
Minhaj-ul-Quran is committed to values of excellence, passion, quality, integrity, and leadership which allows us to navigate challenges and provide for future opportunities. These core beliefs start with their commitment to our community.

The Café will be both visually attractive to customers and designed for fast and efficient operations. We aim to build a solid base of loyal customers, as well as maximising the sales of high margin products, such as espresso drinks. The café area will be fronted by the Minhaj Information Desk for visitors to be warmly greeted by a welcoming member of staff who may guide them around the institution or answer any queries or questions.

We aim to create a unique cafe where customers can socialise with each other in a comfortable and relaxing environment while enjoying the best brewed coffee or espresso and pasties in town. At the heart of our operation will be our focus on helping our customers to relieve their daily stresses by providing peace of mind through great ambience, convenient location, friendly customer service, and products of consistently high quality.